Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Twitter Today: Notable and Quotable

Notable and quotable tweets from notable and quotable evangelicals:

Albert Mohler: "A thought for my day: 'Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.' -- Benjamin Franklin"

David Platt: "Mid East right now is filled w/unprecedented opportunity & unknown risk. Will we embrace both for the spread of the gospel?"

Denny Burk: "In memoir, Tim Tebow details blessed life rooted in faith -"

Ray Ortland: "The Lie: 'My life is basically over now because of my sins and the sins of others. The cross failed.'"

ShaperIron: "|SI Filings| I lost my inheritance to the doomsday prophet! "

Bob Kauflin: "Audio from is now available: Carson, Sproul, DeYoung, Purswell, & Oliphint on biblical worldview."

Matt Hall: "Today is National Running Day. To celebrate, Southern Baptists everywhere plan on running to the nearest Chick-fil-A. "

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